When my role was made redundant in 2017 I had been working in a senior leadership role for a few years and in a variety of leadership roles for over 15 years.
I enjoyed the demands and responsibilities of being in leadership and management. I thrived in the pace and dynamic and I loved my last role in Business Change. In every role, one of the most enjoyable elements was 'people development'.
I was an NVQ Assessor, a mentor for junior colleagues and had an additional role as a self-development trainer.
Since leaving the organisation I have invested a significant amount of time, and budget, in developing my coaching skills for a corporate environment. Leadership is now a key element in my CPD (Continued Professional Development) so that I can support leaders and managers with coaching support.
I really enjoy bringing corporate coaching to my coaching services.
This blog outlines the services offered and answers the most frequently asked questions by businesses and organisations exploring the option of adding coaching to their portfolio of support to their people.
In this blog, I am going to break down everything you need to know about corporate and leadership coaching, that way, you’ll know if it’s right for you, your business/organisation, and your most important asset, your people.
I offer a range of services to organisations. I want to give you a good overview of these services to help you determine if this is a fit for what you are looking for.
You can, of course, talk this through with me if you prefer, and book a quick call here. If you are not the decision-maker, please do feel free to forward this on.
Wellbeing Coaching
Many organisations are now offering coaching alongside counselling support as part of their Employee Assistance Programmes.
Coaching focuses on where you are now and where you want to get to. This is an ideal support system for those in any workplace or organisation to help them to move forward with a challenge they are currently facing.
Coaching supports and empowers staff to overcome challenges that they face.
Happy and fulfilled staff are thriving and productive staff who want to deliver. Coaching provides a safe space for them to explore ways to move forward with support and guidance.
Wellbeing is a golden thread in all coaching sessions and therefore coaching support can help as early intervention, reducing stress, overwhelm and inner conflict that can often impact performance and overall mental and emotional wellbeing. Creating a culture where individuals feel empowered and supported.
Absenteeism, presenteeism and leavism (always-on culture) have a huge impact on organisations. Poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion a year, and this figure is rising.
COVID19 has introduced a new set of challenges for staff and leaders to work through, and remote and hybrid working has shifted the dynamic of workplaces.
New challenges and an impact on available support services through the NHS, means that Employee Assistance Programmes must consider providing a range of support services for their staff.
What challenges can Wellbeing Coaching support? Here are the common themes covered in wellbeing coaching.
Stress and overwhelm
Positive mindset
Managing emotions/response
Improving wellbeing
Life-Work Balance
Leadership Coaching
Coaching can support your leaders in times of growth, transition and change. It can also support their growth and evolution as a leader, guiding them to find the courage and confidence to lead their way with authenticity and integrity.
Bespoke coaching packages help each leader confidently represent who they are, not how they feel they should be so that they can 'Lead Your Way'
Coaching can benefit any leader, at any level, with any amount of experience. Coaching isn't just for the CEOs of companies like Apple and Google, although this is a testament to the power of coaching in itself.
Having a space to talk things through, to explore different options and perspectives can have a positive influence on the confidence of the individual as well as have a positive impact on their success in their role.
According to a survey conducted by researchers at Randstad US, Sixty per cent of employees have left jobs, or are considering leaving, because of bad bosses.
Coaching can significantly increase many aspects of self-awareness in their role as a leader and how this can influence and impact their team as individuals and how they perform.
Leaders can focus on their approach, as well as team roles and contributions. Having dedicated time to explore their approach with curiosity and without judgement can be a game-changer in their development and performance.
What challenges can Leadership Coaching support?
Effective communication
Decision making
Conflict resolution
Delegation and empowering self-efficacy
Self-awareness and self-reflection
Leadership style
Team/Role needs
Unintended consequences of good intentions
Cultural awareness, influence and impact
Wellbeing Workshops
Wellbeing workshops can focus on improving your well-being and life tools and skills that are the golden thread to a fulfilled life and thriving workplace.
All topics will benefit both personal and professional areas of life and therefore benefit both the individuals and the business.
You don't have to dig too deeply into Google to find a number of statistics and research data that evidences the benefits of wellbeing support in the workplace.
This isn't a one-size-fits-all, or tick-in-the-box exercise. Well-being support must be meaningful, with purpose, and a variety of methods that your people will engage with.
This is why I ensure that each workshop is tailored to who will be in the room, and content is designed to meet their needs and not an off-the-shelf package.
What topics can the workshops cover?
Phoenix Coaching provides bespoke, interactive workshops and tailored programmes. The content is written and delivered for your group to ensure that it meets the needs of the participants. Workshops can be delivered in person or online and either informally or in a more formal corporate setting. Example themes of content include the following:
Goal setting
Mindset and motivation
Self-limiting beliefs
Effective communication
Assertive behaviour
Time management and prioritisation
Our relationship with ourselves and others
Our human psychological needs
Our values and purpose
Manging our emotions
Managing change
Managing depression and anxiety
Preventing overwhelm and burnout
Stress management
Building resilience
Financial stress management
Looking after your wellbeing during (Organisational) change
The benefits of physical activity
Nutrition – 'Challenge to change'
Improving your relationship with food & drink
Improving sleep and rest
These are some examples of workshops that have been delivered so far.
If you don't see what you are looking for then please do ask, I always enjoy the opportunity to be able to create and deliver new content.
Leadership Workshops
As with the Wellbeing Workshops, Phoenix Coaching provides bespoke, interactive workshops and tailored programmes for Leaders and Managers. The content is written and delivered for your group to ensure that it meets the needs of the participants. Workshops can be delivered in person or online and either informally or in a more formal corporate setting.
If you don't see what you are looking for then please do ask, content can be created and delivered for you.
What topics can the workshops cover?
Example themes of content include the following:
Effective communication
Assertive behaviour
Time management and prioritisation
Managing change
Looking after your wellbeing during (Organisational) change
Decision making
Self-efficacy and empowering staff
If you would like to find out more then please feel free to email zoe@phoenixlifecoach.co.uk
or Book a quick call and I will be happy to help answer any questions you may have.
Zoe is one of the most inspirational people I’ve met. She is totally authentic. Zoe is motivated to really listen to understand people’s views and concerns, and to be supportive. Her authenticity means she will always speak the truth, but her compassionate and empathetic nature means that she skilfully manages to do this with great grace.
I can genuinely say Zoe has inspired me to change my life and grow in my own confidence.
Coaching and Self-Development Packages
Phoenix Coaching also offers a hybrid approach for your leadership teams and staff. A tailored combination of Coaching and self-development training, with wellbeing as the golden thread, provides a range of options supporting your most important asset, your people.
This powerful combination helps individuals to come together in the workshops to learn, share best practices and support each other, and then use coaching sessions to embed and discuss how they are implementing what they have learned into their daily habits and personal and professional environments.
What is the investment?
All of these services can be designed and tailored to meet your budget. Once I have an idea of what you are looking for I can design a package that fits your needs.
Packages range from individual coaching sessions and workshops to a full year of support.
A service agreement will be created with my recommendations, this can then be discussed and shaped into a final, mutually agreed, requirement.
There is a time investment from your people. Workshops are 60-90 minutes and coaching sessions are 60 minutes.
It is a requirement that these are prioritised within their working day.
It is important to me that the individuals see this as a personal priority, and that the business supports their attendance and demonstrates a supportive culture for their staff learning and development.
Who is this for? This is for both small and larger businesses and corporations. As the packages are tailored they can be shaped to meet your individual needs.
What is important is the approach of the business to well-being, and the support of its staff and leaders.
This is for you IF:
You are looking for interactive, bespoke training and support.
You recognise that wellbeing is a golden thread to the success of individuals and your business
You want to help and support staff embed their learning into day to day activities
You want to empower staff to lead their way
You want to add Coaching to your EAP services
This is NOT for you if:
You are looking for online training or learning packages.
You are looking for an 'off the shelf' package.
Zoe has a real skill for delivering experience in a compassionate, educational and inspirational style. I have had the real pleasure of Speaking alongside Zoe on a few occasions - and every time we not only have a lot of fun - but I learn from her content, her knowledge & see the positive impact she has on the audience. I highly recommend Zoe & look forward to 'working' with her again very soon!
Previously worked with:
Morgan McKinley
South Gloucestershire Council
South West Police ROCU
Montpelier Health Centre
Springboard Consultancy
IDS Climalife
Zing 365
Centre Stage Hair and Beauty
Forging People
Cambridgeshire County Council
Old Mutual Wealth/Quilter
South West Contact Centre Forum
South Cambridgeshire Council
Orchard Vale Trust
Zoe is approachable, personable, calm and definitely a good listener. I know from first hand the quality of services she could provide to her clients. As part of our well-being week here at Morgan McKinley, I thought that Zoe's contribution would actually make a difference in our office.
Zoe completed two sessions in our office, one for well-being and stress management and another one focused on nutrition. Whether you are an individual looking for a change in your personal lifestyle or an organisation that invest in employees' well-being, I would highly recommend Zoe.
How long a commitment is it? As long as it needs to be.
I offer single coaching sessions and workshops, through to 12-month bespoke packages.
Who will be delivering the training? I write and deliver the content. Each workshop is written for the group, drawing on tools, frameworks and strategies to deliver the desired outcomes.
Training is not a 'tick in the box' exercise. My aim is to create and deliver a workshop that attendees can actively participate in, learn, share experiences and best practices and take away a 'next step' to help embed what they have learned into their everyday working practices.
A bit about me. I have worked as a Life and Wellbeing Coach full time since 2017. Prior to that I was a Senior Leader, Coach Mentor and Self Development trainer whilst working for the police.
Since leaving the police I have continued my self-development journey and trained as an NLP Master Practitioner last year and completed an executive coaching programme with the executive coaching company WBECS, now Coaching.com.
I have also completed training in CBT, Positive Psychology, and I am a member of the Association for Coaching and regularly attend their CPD events.
I consider myself a work in progress, I will openly share areas that I continue to work on and whilst coaching is about you and your journey, I will join the openness of the group and share my experiences.
I am a parent. My son is now an adult and fulfilling his own dreams. I have a lot of t-shirts in my wardrobe of life experience and I also have the training and professional development to guarantee that I am well placed to support and guide you.
What ongoing support will there be?
I offer support to everyone I work with between coaching sessions and workshops. Ongoing communication is important to me and I invite anyone I work with to reach out and ask questions or ask for support. This includes corporate clients, my approach is the same.
What results can I expect? Every coaching client or workshop participant has taken something different away. A general theme of feedback includes:
Tools that can be used straight away.
Frameworks that can be used again and again.
Gaining momentum of changes.
Understand themselves better.
Improved interactions with others.
Increased confidence.
Improved communication.
Clarity of where they are heading.

Can anything more be said? This is not a 'cookie cutter' package. I pride myself on taking the time and making effort to help people get as much as they can from workshops and coaching.
Coaching guarantees that the support is tailored for the individual and sessions are proven to support them both personally and professionally which benefits any organisation.
This is different for each and every person I work with, and so I am committed to helping you get what you need in the way that you need it.
How do I find out more?
Do you have a question that I haven't answered?
No worries - send the question to my email zoe@phoenixlifecoach.co.uk
Book in a quick call and I will be happy to help.